Nancy Fajgenblat Architect
AMIA Contest - 1994

Amia reconstruction contest

Memory Construction - 1994


The pedestrian street denoting an urban emptiness takes us back to the past and leads us to tour a museum in the place of events.
Materialized through LA RAMPA.
This represents the temporal sequence of what happened:

7/17/94: The narrow RAMP symbolizing individualism.
7/18/94: Break as a fracture of everyday life.
7/19/94: RAMP TORTUOSA, generating multiple perspectives of the emptying.
7/20/94: The sudden protection against the buildings of the Jewish community.
21/7/94: Expansion of LA RAMPA as a symbol of union.
22, 23, 24 ...: Unfinished future.


Reconstruction of LA AMIA after the 1994 attack

Concurso de la reconstruccion de la Amia

deas competition for the reconstruction of LA AMIA after the 1994 attack
            Architects project:
Nancy Fajgenblat,
Jose Maria Lopez Fuente,
Maria Nieves Gonzales Uribarri,
Juan Carlos Gonzales Uribarri